Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Has Austin, Texas Fallen from Grace?

Says who?

Well, so says the Harris Interactive Poll who conducted a poll for Forbes, recently asking more than 2,000 adults from across the US to name the coolest metropolitan areas to live. 
 The results put New York and Las Vegas in a tie for 1st place with Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco, Orlando, San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami and Washington DC following – in descending order. 
No not one Texas cities made the hip list, but Texas dominates --  especially Austin -- all other lists from Kiplinger’s to Entrepreneur. This could explain why Katie Couric is traveling to Austin to find out just why Austin has made so many Top 10 list during the past year.
Tune to CBS in this Friday, Jan. 7, at 5:30 p.m. to see it for yourself.

Here is what Katie and the CBS news team have been reading recently. 

Earlier this month, Austin was deemed to have the second-strongest job market in the country by the Milken Institute (behind only Killeen).

That backs up another list in July that put Austin among the top job-generating cities.

Austin was picked as the No. 1 best city to live in for the next 10 years in a Kiplinger’s Personal Finance ranking in May.

Also in May, Austin was listed among the country’s healthiest cities on two other lists.

The Austin area tied for first on a Forbes list of large metros where the recession is easing.

A CNN/Money study labeled Austin as recession-proof.

Austinites have the ninth-best “quality of life,” according to study in May.
Austin was ranked the third-best city to move to in the United States, according to a report about seven months ago.
Austin was picked as the nation’s most progressive and proactive entrepreneurial center in a July article from
Austin is the third-best city for young entrepreneurs, says Under 30 CEO.
Entrepreneur magazine ranked Austin a top creative center in July.
Austin ranks as the nation’s fifth-best city for new college graduates in the latest annual listing by Bloomberg Businessweek.
Austin was deemed by Men’s Health to be America’s most sex-happy city.
Perhaps consequently, Austin was Yahoo Travel’s third-best city for singles earlier this year.
Austin did well on a Forbes list in June highlighting the best cities for young professionals.
We have some of the cleanest air in the country, according to another list.
Austin is the best city for Hispanics, according to Popular Hispanics.
When it comes to live music, Austin is No. 3 in the U.S., according to
And just weeks ago, Austin residents were ranked the 7th brainiest in the U.S. by Daily Beast.
So everybody living in Austin or considering calling Central Texas home – chill out.  Austin is in great form, despite begin ousted from the Harris Interactive’s top-desired cities list. But of course, I don’t have to tell my fellow citizens to chill. According to a list last month, Austin is one of the least-stressed cities in the U.S.